Your Cat
Your cat is Purrfect at home…. so we designed the Cat’s Club exam room with that home comfort feel in mind. The club does not allow dogs and offers snacks and soft, inviting blankets. Upon arrival you and your feline friend can go to the cat exclusive room, open the carrier and explore, climb, relax or purr while we visit and examine your cat.
It's All About Your Cat
We utilize the latest research to customize your pet’s healthcare and innovative diagnostics to detect and treat health concerns as early as possible. This reduces the risk of emergency care events.
Pet health & longevity
Our goal is for you and your pet to enjoy a long and healthy life. This means getting you in front of your veterinarian and talking over any concerns or questions you may have.
Our Goals
Our goal is to give you the time to talk with the doctor and the understanding to decide your pet’s healthcare. We listen to your goals and expectations as well as your financial comfort when caring for your pet.
What Services Do We Offer?

Our recommended vaccine requirements are Rabies, FVRCP (a combination vaccine for upper respiratory viruses very common in cats and kittens), and a feline leukemia vaccine when your cat is at a higher risk of exposure to other cats.
Obesity shortens a lifespan for any species. In cats, about 2-3 years. Fat is inflammatory and around the lungs , heart and organs. Osteoarthritis, diabetes, feline asthma and inflammatory bowel disease are all seen more commonly in overweight cats.
After neutering or spaying a cat’s calorie requirements drop significantly. In addition fewer calories are required for less active and aging cats. Foraging toys, smart feeders and other innovative devices can assist in feeding your cat the many small meals a day they naturally crave while you are away and allow you to control the calories eaten.
Female cats typically start coming into season around five or six months of age, but can start earlier in the Spring. Cats are in season more often during the “breeding season” when the days are longer. Cats can be in season and become pregnant every 2-3 week. Because of the behavior changes associated with the process, many owners opt to have them spayed.
Male cats mature around the same time (five to six months), and sometimes begin “spraying” urine to mark their territory to attract females. Male tomcat urine has a strong odor that neutered cat urine does not have. This is a large reason owners opt to neuter their male cats. Both female and male cats should be nearly fully matured before altering. This is approximately five to six months of age.
Unintended weight loss can be a sign of diabetes, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism and more. Your pet should be seen by a veterinarian to discern the cause of the weight loss.
There are many reasons for this, but we need to rule out medical problems first! Urinary tract infections, FLUTD, kidney disease, and diabetes are just some of the possible causes. There are also behavioral reasons that could be causing your cat to not use their box, like territory issues in a multi-cat home or a fearful event happening, connecting the usage of the box to that trauma. Changing the box’s location, the type of litter you’re using, or adding a hood can also cause a cat to avoid the box. If you’re interested in learning more, we highly recommend the site as a resource.
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